The total production cost equal the sum of direct materials costs, direct labor costs, and manufacturing overhead costs. In the production process of custom shoe insoles, the direct materials cost is one of the few variable parts. For some mature and well-developed producers, they focus on developing or importing high-end technology to reduce the materials waste as much as possible, therefore enhancing the utilization ratio of raw materials. This, in turn, can reduce the investment in the raw materials while ensuring the quality.
Dongguan S-King Insoles Limited is a leading manufacturer with highly advanced technology and maturely design crafts. gel toe spacers is the main product of S-King Insoles. It is diverse in variety. The offered S-King golf insole is designed with the aid of the best quality raw materials. The S-King insoles are well-received globally. hallux valgus correction with protection hallux valgus is praised by the majority of customers. Crafted from high-quality materials, S-King insoles show a good durability.
The vision of our company is to be a service ally to clients. We are able to compete effectively by gaining the trust of our clients, offering a real alliance with them and striving to maintain this relationship. Get quote!